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3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Dealing With Change

Dealing With Change

With all the change that is going on in the economy along with a forthcoming election and increased regulation, 2016 is turning out to be a challenging year for financial services professionals.

Our worst fears about change are that we could lose control and that we could lose everything. The truth is when it comes to the economy, the election and regulation, it is difficult to control.

But what if you lost everything?

What would you do?

John was in the brokerage business and having lost everything, including the money of his family and friends, he walked down to the shore.  John was planning to swim out and drown himself so his family and friends could get the insurance money.

As John was sitting alone on the shore, mentally beating himself up about how stupid he was, that he should have had made better choices, that he had been given incorrect information from his company suppliers, that the government should have put some safe guards in to prevent him from getting into this mess … his train of thought was interrupted by a voice that said “you are in the wrong place!”

He looked up to see a little old man standing beside him. The old man repeated, “You are in the wrong place. The ferry left from over there over half an hour ago”.
John looked annoyed and told the old man to go away and leave him alone and that he wasn’t here to catch a ferry.

The little old man persisted and again told him “you are in the wrong place!”

The little old man introduced himself as Abe and asked John why he looked so distraught. John told Abe that he had lost everything and that he had nothing left.

“Everything!” exclaimed Abe.

John said, “Yes, I’ve lost everything. I have no money left.”

Abe asked John if he knew how to make change for a dollar.

John said, “Of course I know how to make change for a dollar, doesn’t everybody?”

Abe explained to him how immigrants come to this country and they don’t know how to make change for a dollar.

Abe asked John if he could change a ten dollar bill and John said, “Sure I have two fives.”

“I thought you said that you had no money!” exclaimed Abe.

Abe asked John if he knew his way around the boroughs.

“What do you mean? Of course I know my way around the boroughs!” John replied.

“Well, immigrants who come to this country, they don’t know their way around the boroughs.” said Abe.

“What about the language?” said Abe, “Do your know how to speak the English language?”

With that, John started to understand what the little old man was getting at, and that he had assets that he wasn’t taking into consideration.

Abe asked John to go and buy a journal with his $10 and list every ability, experience, expertise, skill, strength and talent that he had, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Abe asked John to complete the task and meet him at the same place and time the very next day.

John agreed and set off to purchase a journal and went to work to complete the task that Abe had given him.

As John started to write, he could still hear his ego beating himself up about how stupid he was, that he should have made better choices, that he had been given incorrect information from his company suppliers, that the government should have put some safe guards in place to prevent him from getting into this mess … but he persisted and the more he focused and wrote and focused on his ability, experience, expertise, skill, strength and talent … the better and better he felt.

As he started to feel better, he started to come up with ways to reignite his business. He began thinking of products and services that he could offer that he had long since forgotten about. From his introspection, he realized he had gotten soft sitting on the laurels of a Bull Market and living off the spoils of easy commissions, and he had neglected to look after his client’s needs of critical illness, disability and life insurance.

John wrote well into the night and had completed a vision, business plan and goals for the next 90 days.  He couldn’t wait to meet with Abe to tell him about what had happened.

When John met up with Abe, John shared how much better he felt and that he now had a new found inspiration and passion for his business and to the clients that he served.

He thanked Abe with all his heart and the asked the old man, “How did you come to talk with me yesterday?”

Abe replied, “My wife of forty years, just died of cancer and I was feeling like it was the end and I looked up and said, “Lord give me a sign” and then I looked over and saw you and you looked in even worse shape than me.”

This story goes back to 1991/1992 when my partner and I had the Vancouver Anthony Robbins Franchise.  Even though our franchise had won number one in sales in 1991 for Tony Robbins’ Unlimited Power Weekend Video Seminar, we were still feeling a lot of negativity because sales results were unsustainable.

Looking back, this had nothing to do with Tony Robbins or the Franchise and everything to do with the Franchisees because many of us were in the wrong place.
All the franchisees were invited to the Robbins Research International Head Office in San Diego for a conference with Tony.  There was more than a fair share of blame, fear and infighting going one.

To our surprise, the opening speaker wasn’t Tony Robbins but a client of Tony’s. I’ve lost track of this persons’ name so let’s call him John. John’s opening remark was “You are in the wrong place.”

As you approach the midway point of 2016, remind yourself of your clients and the difference that you have made in their lives and notice how it makes you feel.

Thank you for sharing your time.