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Taking Care of What Matters with Life Insurance

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I want to talk with you about Generational Life Insurance.

About how to introduce Generational Life Insurance.

In your conversation with your clients, talk with them: ‘I don’t know if you noticed about the Starbucks lineups, you notice how long those are seeming to get?

And everyone gets in the line up. Perhaps they’re in the drive through and there’s two people in the vehicle and they’re ordering a Venti Vanilla Easy Foam Nonfat Latte. And one of those is over $5.00 a piece. And, both people are getting one. Do the math, we’re over $10.00. And that’s just the morning run. I mean the afternoon run… okay that’s $20.00 a day!

Let me ask you… 30 days a month, what are we looking at?


And explain to your clients: Clearly we are an instant gratification society. We are not necessarily paying attention to what matters.

We’ve got to start taking care of what matters.

Our family.

It’s not necessarily about our lives.

It’s about the lives we leave behind.

And so, I’m sure that your clients have invested and they are looking after their assets in the form of life insurance

But what about their family?

Is their family taking care of their assets?

Now, all of you advisors, I’m sure you know of a story like this one:

And this was in a Global BC TV newscast that I happened to notice about an unfortunate individual that was overseas. And it told the story about him and a friend. And they were in a motor vehicle accident. Then it went on to say that there’s a memorial going on and that they’re doing a collection.

And what does that collection suggest? The collection suggests that the person didn’t have life insurance.

And in the newscast it shows the unfortunate individual with a picture of themselves and a young son.

So when you’re talking with your clients, ask them if they are taking care of what matters.

Are they having conversations with their family about taking care of what matters?

Ask them if they could set up a meeting, a coffee, a lunch with themselves and their family and you.

So that you can talk with them about taking responsibility.

Taking care of what matters vs. taking care of instant gratification things that are not taking care of what matters.