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DOL Fee-Based Sacred Space

Sacred Space

This is an excerpt of an email I recently sent to a client.

I highly recommend that you create ‘Sacred Space’ first thing in the morning for 20 minutes and halfway through the day to do the following exercise, away from the rigors of change, the DOL, or switching to Fee-Based.

Imagine the face of a clock with the numbers of 12, 3, 6, 9 and imagine the sweep hand going around 12, 3, 6, 9 and in place of the numbers 12, 3, 6, 9 replace the numbers with Happiness, Peace, Joy and Love, watching the sweep hand going around repeating, Happiness, Peace, Joy, Love. Other thoughts might enter your mind during the process, and if they do, just bring yourself back to keeping your eyes closed and repeat, Happiness, Peace, Joy and Love.

What you are doing in this process is reminding your heart and mind about the truth about you — that you are infinite and that you have the resources to deal with anything that comes across your path and you will be in a better place to deal with anything that comes across your path coming from a place of Happiness, Peace, Joy and Love.  This process will help you to get into your heart on a more regular basis and give your mind a rest from constant and never-ending thinking to prove that you are approved and safe in the world of changes that include the DOL or switching to Fee-Based.

Remember you are infinite. You are already approved and safe in the world; there is nothing else for you to do. However, if you keep doing and doing and doing and doing, this creates an absence of being. In the absence of being there is no approval or safety, just the next pile of work to do that feels like an absolute mountain, that feels like it is impossible to climb in the absence of Happiness, Peace, Joy and Love.