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Thank you Laura, Dayna, Bev, Tina and to a New Client.

Many thanks to Laura for publishing the “More Profit & More Time” & “Simon’s Success Strategies” E-Newsletters – a tough and tedious job. Laura has learned an enormous amount about e-publishing software in a short period of time.

Back into the cardio for the second week and today was my first committed workout in almost 5 weeks. When I say fully committed I mean 100% focused and 20 reps versus whatever Dayna requested. You know the expression – there are no fat old men.

Had a coaching call today with one of my coaches and it went very well.

A great meeting with Tina and Laura about the Web Resources upgrade and Web Products section upgrade.

Taking Friday off last week was great. At the same time, I’ve really felt the pinch this week in getting the week started with planning & priorities, e-mail follow up, client scheduling, client project work, preparing for the meeting with Tina about the web resources and web products. Also creating a speaking presentation for 40 financial advisors for Financial Management (BC) Inc for a presentation March 22nd.

And then close to the end of the day I received this e-mail from a new client that completed their first coaching session last week. I have paraphrased the e-mail for brevity and for anonymity. The client was referred to me by another coach who said – “If anyone can handle this client, you can”.

“The Clearing exercise sure cleanses ones anger in one hell of a hurry. For the week end, my sales resulted in $10,138 commissions pending.

I am reading your blog faithfully and if you can get up at 5:30 am so can I. You get so much more done during the time to 5 – 9:30 am

Strange when one goes through the Clearing exercise, I am no longer mad at my manager and see him in a whole new light. My sleep patterns are still wacky but productive is not the word. I sold 5 policies in one afternoon which I have never done before in my career. Now the challenge is paperwork!”

What is cool about this e-mail is two fold. The client is the first new client that enrolled as a result of reading the web site and I really enjoy break through e-mails.